About the Association of Infant Mental Health

Grobrain is a member of the Association of Infant Mental Health, which exists to generate awareness of and knowledge about the importance of infant mental health. 

  • Infant mental health refers to the way infants develop from the antenatal months through early life, especially their capacity and need to build relationships with adults during this time and the unique importance of these relationships to brain development.
  • Infant mental health is crucial to the development of good mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing throughout the whole life course. 
  • The discipline of infant mental health aims to get things right for the baby from the start, recognising when things are going wrong and working to support infants and their parents or carers.

Infant Mental Health Competencies Framework

AIMH UK and the International Training School for Infancy and Early Years (ITSIEY) have developed a range of competencies for all staff working with infants and their parent/s/caregivers from pregnancy to the second year of life, to support parents/caregivers to promote healthy infant development. 

Competencies are the skills, knowledge and behaviours that enable practitioners to deliver high-quality care and the continuous improvement of services. 

If you are working as an early year’s practitioner you will probably be aiming to achieve the competencies at Level 1. 

Click on this link for the Self Assessment Form for Level 1. 


Competencies covered on this GroBrain course:

On the course you will learn simple ways to engage with parents and babies on these topics using the GroBrain visual tools in the Resource Pack, e.g.

  • Infant brain development
  • How parents 'wire up' their baby's brain
  • 'Tuning in' : What is baby trying to tell you?
  • 'Mirroring' 
  • A 5-stage model of baby talk

Illustrated book of key messages to use with parents